

Elderly falls are a serious problem with often dramatic consequences. One of the most common and dangerous injuries is a fracture of the femur, which can significantly undermine their quality of life. Fortunately, personal protective equipment (PPE) exists that is designed to prevent these situations from occurring. Of this equipment, FutureAge stands out for its innovative airbag technology. In this article, we take a look at the problem of falls, the traditional and innovative solutions for protecting the hips and the reason why FutureAge represents a breakthrough in this sector.

The problem of elderly falls and hip fractures

Elderly falls are one of the main causes of injury. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), one in three people over the age of 65 suffers at least one fall per year[1] and, after the first fall, the probability of falling again doubles[2]. There are various causes, including weak muscles, balance issues, chronic medical conditions and unsafe home environments.

These falls involve not only an immediate risk of injury, but can also have a major psychological impact. The fear of falling again can lead to a reduction in everyday activity, with a consequent social isolation and loss of independence.

The most serious injuries caused by falls include a hip fracture, which can be a fracture of the hip socket and the femur, and particularly a fracture of the head or neck of the femur. This type of fracture is particularly common in the elderly, due not only to the greater risk of a fall, but also because osteoporosis makes their bones more fragile. In Italy alone, almost 100,000 hip fractures occur every year[3], with consequences that can be devastating: in addition to the intense pain and the need for surgery, many patients face lengthy periods of immobility and rehabilitation, without ever entirely recovering their mobility and serenity, and therefore their independence. Unfortunately, in certain cases, the fracture can lead to serious complications, such as infections and deep vein thrombosis, to the extent that more than one person in four who suffers a hip fracture dies within one year.

What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is equipment designed to protect individuals against specific risks and is divided into three main categories, each of which satisfies different safety requirements.

  • Category 1 PPE comprises equipment designed to protect against minor hazards, such as gardening gloves or sunglasses.
  • Category 2 PPE is equipment that protects against significant hazards, such as bicycle helmets or heat-resistant oven gloves.
  • Category 3 PPE includes equipment designed to protect against serious or fatal hazards, such as motorcycle helmets or life jackets.

PPE for the elderly is mainly in category 2 and offers specific protection to prevent serious injuries like fractures. It is needed when the mobility aids that help maintain balance and reduce the risk of falls – such as walking sticks, walkers and wheelchairs – are not enough. Specific equipment exists for protection against falls, such as padding for the hips and, more recently, airbag protections, designed to absorb the impact and prevent fractures.

Traditional protective equipment for the hips

Padding positioned on the sides of the body is traditionally used to prevent hip fractures. This equipment, which is generally made of foam or similar materials, is designed to absorb the impact of a fall and to protect the bone underneath.

Although a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association has demonstrated that hip padding can reduce the risk of fractures by 50-70%[4], its efficacy depends on a correct fit and constant use, factors that often represent a challenge for the elderly. In order to be effective, a traditional protector must have a sufficient area and thickness to protect the hip area, in addition to being kept in position typically by being integrated into a pair of shorts. However, these dimensions make this traditional protective equipment too cumbersome and uncomfortable to be used continuously, with the result that its use is unfortunately much more limited than it should be. Padded shorts impede movements, increase the bulk under the trousers or skirt, reduce ventilation and complicate everyday activities, such as getting dressed and undressed and using the bathroom.

The benefits of airbag for the elderly as protection

Precisely in order to solve problems of acceptance of a traditional protector, the technology of airbags for the elderly, to protect the hip, represents a significant step forward in personal safety and prevention in the case of falls. The first wearable airbag was designed in the early 2000s in the world of motorcycling, and particularly the Motorcycle GP races, where it proved to be so efficient that it became mandatory as of 2018.

The main advantage of airbags for the elderly is that they offer a much greater level of protection than a traditional protector, with a much lower impact on comfort: the airbag remains folded in its housing during normal use and only activates when it is needed, thanks to an electronic fall identification system. The result is lightweight, slim and discreet protection that can be used effortlessly by anyone, features that are particularly important for protecting the elderly in the case of a fall. In addition, thanks to the fact that the airbag only activates when needed, the protection can be much greater: a study conducted by Leiden University has shown that airbag devices for the hips can reduce by almost half the risk of a fracture in the case of a fall[5].

The FutureAge belt – airbag for the elderly

FutureAge is the innovative airbag for the elderly for protection of the hips. The device, which is the result of over 10 years of development, is for prevention of elderly falls and is equipped with state-of-the-art sensors that detect movement and an algorithm specifically designed to activate the airbag in the case of a fall before the hip touches the ground.

FutureAge stands out particularly for its ergonomic and versatile design, which makes it suitable to be worn during everyday activities, both at home and outdoors. Slim, lightweight and discreet, FutureAge is designed to be worn like a normal belt that can be used with the wearer’s own clothing, including under a sweater or jacket. The system is also simple to use, as it just needs to be worn and left to perform its task. It is also easy to regenerate if activated, using the recharging kit available.

In addition to protection against impacts, FutureAge can also be used in combination with the D-Alert app, which sends an emergency video call and the position to a list of contacts, to allow immediate assistance when needed.


Elderly falls represent one of the greatest challenges for their health and safety, but innovative devices like FutureAge can help to prevent the most serious consequences, such as hip fractures. Investing in airbag protection means choosing a modern, efficient and comfortable solution that can really make a difference in the everyday life of the elderly and their relatives.

If you want to learn more about the FutureAge airbag for the elderly and how it can help to protect your loved ones, visit our website and discover all the features of the product:


[1] World Health Organisation (WHO). (2007). Global report on falls prevention in older age

[2] Tareef Al-Aama (2011). Falls in the elderly: spectrum and prevention

[3] Agenas (2023). National results program

[4] Kannus, P., Parkkari, J., Niemi, S., & Pasanen, M. (2000). Hip protectors: Recommendations for use in elderly people at risk of hip fracture

[5] Nemeth, B., van der Kaaij, M., Nelissen, R. et al. (2022). Prevention of hip fractures in older adults residing in long-term care facilities with a hip airbag: a retrospective pilot study