Welcome to the Workair activation service
If you need help, click on the info button
Sorry, Web Serial is not supported on this device, make sure you're
running Chrome 80 or later or Edge and have enabled the
flag in
chrome://flags or edge://flags
Click to view the guide;
Call D-Air Lab Team if you need to get support: 04441429920
Most common problems:
Ensure that you have selected the correct device during the connection request
Ensure that another browser window is not open at this same address
With Linux, you have to add write permission to device by a terminal command "sudo chmod a+rw your_serial_device_port_name"
An application on your operating system is communicating with the device or keeping it occupied
If the problem persists even after you have checked all these situations, contact us: Tel: +39 0444 142 9920 or email: info@dailab.com
Per utilizzare questo servizio è necessario collegarsi con Chrome o Edge in modalità desktop.
You can now disconnect the device from the computer.
Workair unlocked. You can now disconnect the device from the computer. If the device vibrates and the orange LEDs blink when the device is switching off, you need to perform the unlock procedure again or contact customer service.
Workair non è connesso al tuo computer,oppure il dispositivo è occupato.
Se il problema persiste, riavvia il browser e assicurati di aver collegato tramite la porta USB e riavvia la procedura
The unlock code is incorrect. Make sure that you have entered the code correctly or request a new unlock code.
Click on connect Workair
In the window that appears on the top left-hand side, select the Workair device connected to your PC
If the device has connected correctly, the “request code” and “unlock” menus will appear
Connect Workair to a USB port, then click on “Connect Workair”
If you need help, click on the info button
Request the unlock code for your Workair
Complete the form with the missing information and you will receive the unlock code within 24 hours
If you already have a code, enter it and click on activate